Can O’ Corn Design’s New Website was Launched!

Can O’ Corn Design, my upgraded company is launched it’s new website today. It features graphic design, technologies and social media connections that my network of designers, developer, writers and I are offering to our clients. Future Blog postings will feature my thoughts on the convergence of design and technology as well as updates on the company.

When I started out in 1997 there were no web standards and it took a team of people to develop, test and launch a website. Getting the word out involved sending emails through corporate channels and waiting for the press release to show up in the newspaper. The time it takes now to do a formal launch is counted in hours as opposed to weeks. The efficiency with which we can work now is impressive. The myriad of products and services that are available make great design accessible to everyone but also can drive you to distraction. I would like to offer this blog to tell our clients and friends what’s working for us and how we can help you. Additionally, I want to invite readers to make a comment and broaden everyone’s perspective.

Thanks for reading,

Rich Triblets

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